10 tips to improve your blog posts for SEO

Learn 10 SEO rules to improve your blog ranking

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the positioning of your blog or website in the search engines through different actions and strategies. That way you will appear in the first places so users can easily find you when making a search.

Today we want to share the most important secrets about this useful and necessary tool if you want to increase the traffic on your blog and at some point monetize it. Optimizing the SEO will help you spread your content in an organic way, that means, without having to pay for advertising.

The 10 Essential SEO Ranking Factors

1) Titles and subtitles

Here the keywords must go at the beginning or maximum 3 words to the right. Also, whenever possible, these should not have more than 10 words, and at the beginning, you should have a hook or striking word, such as “Free guide.”

2) Quality content

Give relevant information to the user’s search. The first paragraph is very important since it should summarize the information that the reader will find throughout the article. For the body of the article, we recommend you answer the 5 basic questions: How? Why? When? Where? and What? Finally, in the last paragraph, a call to action must be placed by the user. If the reader interacts with the post, the search engine gives it more relevance and this is good for SEO.

If the reader interacts with the post, the search engine gives it more relevance and this is good for SEO.

3) Keywords

This is the catchword of the information you want to provide. It should be used in the title, subtitles, at the beginning of the first paragraph, throughout the text and in the closing. In a 500-word article, you should find it about 5 to 8 times, without counting the titles. But it is crucial that you don’t overdo it, because search engine algorithms are increasingly intelligent and detect very repetitive texts. For this, we recommend that you use synonyms.

4) Tags in HTML headers

This is a language that helps search engines to find you more easily. Additionally, it helps to show that your content is done in a structured way. The H1 appears only once and indicates the main title of a web page, a blog post, among others. Next, the H2s appear, which are used to divide the sections through subtitles. H3 and H4 are subsection titles of a blockheaded with an H2.

5) Photo and videos

When you name them the files, you must include the keyword. For example, 10-tips-to-improve-the-seo-of-your-posts.jpg
Also, you must use the keyword in the description you make below the photo. For SEO, photos and videos are interesting content, so we recommend you place at least three of these.

6) Length

Articles must be at least 500 words, but up to 1500 words also works well. Paragraphs should not extend to more than 100 words and sentences should not be more than 20 words.

7) User experience

The intention of the content must be informative. Write in a simple way and with a pleasant structure, so that users find what they are looking for. Additionally, this will make the search engines find you more easily.

8) Internal and external links

It is important to include links to other articles on your blog and other external sites with great authority, such as newspapers, Wikipedia, etc. Although search engines like it when you include links to these external sites, be careful of not adding too many, because your audience could leave your blog and not return.

9) Social media buttons

It’s simple! When people share your content, SEO improves.

10) Snippet

This is the part of the content that comes out when you search on Google. It has 3 parts where the keyword must be found: the title, the link to the site and the description. The Yoast SEO plugin is a great tool with a free version, which will help you optimize this part of the content on each page and post of your blog. Look at this example!

Which of these SEO techniques are you currently implementing in your blog? Which of these tips are new to you? Let us know in the comments!


The post 10 tips to improve your blog posts for SEO appeared first on Latinas in Media.

This content was originally published here.

Learn 10 SEO rules to improve your blog ranking   SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the positioning of your blog or website in the search engines through different actions and strategies. That way you will appear in the first places so users can easily find you when making a search. Today we want to share…

Learn 10 SEO rules to improve your blog ranking   SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the positioning of your blog or website in the search engines through different actions and strategies. That way you will appear in the first places so users can easily find you when making a search. Today we want to share…

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